As a brown guy, This article is messed up.
You have an insane amount of advantages if you just know how to present yourself.
Just be smart, well spoken, kind, well groomed and interesting and the “Indianess’ actually becomes cute and dis-arming as opposed to straight up disqualifying.
You won’t have much success in online dating, or in any upfront dating because when women ‘look’ for guys to be with they generally blacklist anything except white (That’s just how society works and will work until hollywood makes another 50 shows where there’s a black lady playing snow white, it’s a slow and infuriating process, but I think it will eventually happen).
However you can still have great success meeting people and slowly growing on them until they realise you’re the only person that actually gives them ‘feels’, these kinds of relationships are MUCH better and more authentic than tinder swipes because you can always replace a tinder swipe with another tinder swipe, but you can’t replace the random chemistry with a strange indian guy that shows up to your DataScience meetup.